
35/100. In all his exams: This boy barely passed Class X. Why is he making headlines?

DailyBiteJune 13, 2019 | 09:26 IST

If someone now takes a Nokia 1100 phone out of his/her pocket in a crowded metro/bus, believe me, people will gather around that person, take photos and post them on their social media accounts. Almost a similar thing — a little more embarrassing perhaps — happened to Jadhavji’s beta. In an age full of Sharmaji’s boys, who score nothing below 99 out of 100, this Akshit Jadhav somehow managed to score 35 — in each subject.

Whoa! That's the minimum qualifying marks in the Maharashtra Board SSC examination.

If the toppers can score 99 in every subject, why can’t Akshit score 35 in all subjects? True.

But why has he become a mini-celebrity with this kind of result? Yes, it’s weird but also, one of a kind. Like toppers’ parents, Akshit’s father, therefore, has given interviews where he has expressed his happiness that his son at least cleared all the papers, though he didn’t conceal the disappointment alongside that Akshit actually expected to score 55 marks or more in each paper.

That Akshit became a talk of the town today proves two things:

1.). Smart studying will soon become a thing

People often differentiate between working hard and working smart. In the first case, you slog and get a more or less satisfactory result. Yes, you're far from being elated. But, no, you are not upset.

In the second category, you don’t slog — but you get a similar result. Of course, you are elated because the effort you put in was much less.

We don’t know how much Akshit studied or not. But he must have done something smart not to have flunked — which would have been worse.

No one asked Akshit how many hours he studied for his exams. This is discrimination. (Photo: Twitter)

2.). Standing out from the backbench

You are not among the toppers. You are neither among the lowest scorers.

Well, then, nobody is bothered about you. You are pretty average then.

But, in today's age, you have to excel in whatever you do. If you are bad at studies, then you have to be spectacularly bad — perhaps that inspired this young guy.

(In all probability, he scored around 35, if not a perfect 35, in all his papers. And since 35 is the pass mark, he has been allowed a little grace mark here and there).

But it's been very unfair that no one asked him how many hours he used to study — or what his future plans are.

Also Read: New CBSE Result: A topper wants to be not an engineer or a doctor but a dancer. Are parents listening?


Last updated: June 13, 2019 | 09:26
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