10 Apps You Can Use for a Healthier Lifestyle

22  AUG, 2023

Dristi Sharma

Photo: Unsplash

Mobile phones have become an essential part of our lives, and although we can't completely avoid using them, we can leverage mobile devices and applications to enhance our daily productivity and efficiency.

apps for better lifestyle 

Photo: Twitter

With this app, you can track your diet and exercise to manage your weight and stay on top of your fitness goals.

1. MyFitnessPal

Photo: Twitter

The headspace app allows you to practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and improve mental well-being

2.  Headspace 

Photo: Twitter

If you ever wanted an app that can help you track your daily steps, try C2K. Start a beginner-friendly running program to gradually build your endurance and cardiovascular health.

3. Couch to 5K

Photo: Twitter

Need help to stay on track with you water intake? Use this app to stay hydrated by setting reminders and tracking your water intake throughout the day.

4. WaterMinder

Photo: Twitter

One of the best apps, for starting a workout routine. Get short, effective workouts into your busy schedule for a quick fitness boost.

5. 7 Minute Workout

Photo: Twitter

Use this one, if you want personalized workout plans based on your fitness level, available equipment, and goals.

 6. Fitbod

Photo: Twitter

There are so many apps that can help you get a good night's sleep. Sleep Cycle: The sleep recorder, helps you monitor your sleep patterns and has a intelligent alarm clock.

7.  Sleep Cycle

Photo: Twitter

A mental health app designed to help manage anxiety by providing relaxation techniques and tools to shift thought patterns.

8. MindShift cbt

Photo: Twitter

If you want to boost your productivity and mindfulness, use the forest app that will grow a virtual tree whenever you stay focused and away from your phone.

9. forest

Photo: Playstore

If you like your day planned or are trying to be more productive by making your daily timetable, use my daily planner app to plan your day. You can mark it done, once a task is completed. 

10. my daily planner