10 Most Visitied Museums In The World

7 AUG, 2023

Ayaan Paul Chowdhury

Photo: Getty Images

Explore the world's most captivating museums, where art, culture, history, and wonder converge, attracting millions of visitors to their exceptional collections.

a page out of history

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A Parisian gem with 3.27 million visitors in 2022, featuring Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces.

10. Musee d'Orsay

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Honoring Rumi, this spiritual haven in Turkey welcomed 3.35 million visitors in 2022.

9. Mevlana Museum

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China's cultural heritage saw 3.36 million visitors in 2022.

8. Guangdong Museum

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South Korea's rich cultural history captivated 3.41 million visitors in 2022.

7. National Museum of Korea

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London's contemporary art hub, nestled in London's vibrant cultural landscape, drew 3.88 million visitors in 2022.

6. Tate Modern

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Unveiling Earth's wonders, the Central Park icon fascinated 3.9 million visitors in 2022.

5. American Museum of National History

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A global history treasure, the British Museum had 4.1 million visitors in 2022.

4. British Museum

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The famous hitorical institution captivated 4.65 million visitors last year in London, with its exploration of life's mysteries.

3. Natural History Museum

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Within the Vatican, 5.08 million visitors in 2022 marvelled at the Vatican Museum's rich vaults of art and history.

2. Vatican Museums

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A majestic repository of human creativity, housing iconic masterpieces from across the ages, the Louvre reigns supreme, having attracted 7.73 million visitors in 2022.

1. The Louvre