Mirzapur Gets Antilia Lite

31 JULY, 2023

Sweta Gupta

Everyone knows the home of India's richest man Mukesh Ambani, the 27- storeyed Antilia in Mumbai.

Ambani's antilia

Now, a person from Uttar Pradesh has built his own 14-storeyed Antilia in Mirzapur.

antilia lite

Siyaram Patel, a resident of Shrutihar, Mirzapur, wanted to stand out from the crowd by building this castle-like mansion. 

dream to build castle

Patel, who is a medicine practitioner by profession, did not even follow proper government standards while building this mansion. 

no official permission

Like the Ambani home, this Anitlia-like structure in Mirzapur also has 50 rooms and huge halls.

like ambani like patel

As the building rose, the villagers voiced their complaints about its increasing height. As a result, the administration decided to put the construction on hold.

construction halted

The building's lack of proper approval has caused anxiety among the locals during storms. Residents have been forced to evacuate their homes and find shelter elsewhere in adverse weather.

not a great IDEA

Some pedestrians passing by have also had accidents because they were so distracted by the building.

a sight to behold

Antilia is the world's second most-expensive billionaire home, valued at over USD 2.2 billion in 2020. Its maintenance is estimated to cost around Rs 2.5 crores per month, making it a prestigious and valuable property.
