10 Safest cities in the world

17 OCT, 2023

Sweta Gupta

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Denmark is known for its equality and safety where everyone is treated the same, with Copenhagen featuring one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

1. copenhagen

Toronto is one of Canada's safest cities, with a high volume of visitors and residents, especially in its Downtown neighborhood.

2. Toronto

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Singapore is one of the most peaceful nations in the Asia Pacific, making it renowned for its safety and orderliness.

3. Singapore

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Sydney consistently reports low crime rates, including violent crimes, making it a safe place to live and visit. The city has a strong law enforcement system that helps maintain order and safety.

4. sydney

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Tokyo has very low crime rates, thanks to the safe social norms of Japanese people. It's also a reassuring place with reliable public transport and solo-friendly restaurants.

5. tokyo

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Amsterdam is generally safe with low crime rates, and it's known for its open public spaces, making it a liveable and happy city.

6. Amsterdam

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Wellington, New Zealand's second-largest city and the capital, is situated in the southwestern part of the North Island. It's known as the "coolest little capital in the world."

7. wellington

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Living in Hong Kong is very safe, with low crime rates, and people feel secure walking around even late at night. The public transport system, including the MTR and minibuses, operates late night.

8. hong kong

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Melbourne ranks high for safety in digital security, health, infrastructure, and personal security. The city also experiences very few natural disasters.

9. melbourne

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Stockholm feels safe because it's prepared to handle problems with no noticeable tension and heavy police presence. The city is famous for its low crime rate and is among the safest cities in Europe.

10. stockholm

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