23 NOV, 2023

Sweta Gupta

Found by Ananda Malla, Panauti is a town located 32 km from Kathmandu. It is a nostalgic relic of Nepal's ancient past, offering a poignant glimpse into the passage of time.

panauti, nepal

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Instagram/@nepali.reflection

Panauti, nestled in the heart of Nepal, is a historic medieval town that has been inhabited by the Newari people for generations. This town has been recognised on the UNESCO tentative list since 1996.

the undiscovered site

This old town sits at the confluence of two rivers, Rosi and Punyamati, with a third river, Lilawati, joining in, forming a trilateral junction called Triveni.


Photo: Google

Built in 1294 over a lingam, this temple in Nepal stands as one of the oldest, showcasing Newari culture through its impressive pagoda-style structure and three wooden storeys.

visit indreshwar temple

Photo: Twitter/@royalmt_nepal

Constructed in the 17th century, the Brahmayani Temple, with its three tiers, pays tribute to the village's main goddess.

brahmayani temple

Photo: Twitter/@hsibar

The Krishna Narayan Temple is dedicated to different forms of Vishnu, with the largest featuring roof struts depicting Vishnu as the carefree, flute-playing Krishna.

krishna narayan temple

Photo: Asianhistoricarchitect

Panauti's Durbar Square, with its cultural treasures like the Indreshwor Temple, a museum, and the King's palace, remains undiscovered by many global visitors.

durbar square

Photo: Facebook/Nepaltourismboard

Panauti Jatra, a three-day festival in Nepal, marks the end of the monsoon season and includes a unique tradition of crossing the Punyamati river for worship.

panauti jatra

Photo: Facebook/Nepaltourismboard