
Outrage for cash: India Today exposes paid social media trolls

DailyBiteJul 21, 2016 | 16:20

Outrage for cash: India Today exposes paid social media trolls

Social Media Supari: An India Today investigation.

An India Today investigation revealed the shocking truth about trolling on social media.

Not only can one create outrage by paying social media influencers (people with a lot of reach online) but can also manufacture political consent.

During the investigation, a journalist posed as a consultant for a fictitious political party who went around speaking to Delhi's young IT consultants. The results showed that these "consultants" can orchestrate malice and religious polarisation in the virtual world for just enough money.


Morals and responsibility are an afterthought in their world.

These people use mechanisms like morphing pictures, creating fake videos, etc to tarnish people's standing online, all as a part of ORM i.e. Online Reputation Management, all done through proxy servers so no one can locate them.

These stunning revelations come after BJP MP Maneka Gandhi recently spoke against online trolling of women, which hilariously, miffed a lot of BJP supporters online.

A sad BJP supporter online.

Why they automatically assumed they were whom she was referring to when speaking about trolls who abuse women online is anyone's guess.

Last updated: July 21, 2016 | 16:20
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