
Why fat girls shouldn't wear bikinis? She has the perfect response

DailyBiteJul 10, 2015 | 14:38

Why fat girls shouldn't wear bikinis? She has the perfect response

Also read: I’m fat. So what?

I’m a fat person. I mean, inside.

I mean, I feel fat, most of the times.

I mean I have always struggled with my weight. Ever since I was born. In fact, I was probably born with most of it. The fat part, I mean.

I was a ten-pound baby. My mother constantly teased about bearing triplets. Her mother, my grandmother, who was one of Kolkata’s sought after Kayastha beauties (yes there is such a parlance in my native place, thank you very much!) constantly screamed instructions, asking my very pregnant and very fat mother, to exercise. Eat right. Do what the hell it takes.


It’s what she did, she claims, even now. Sounding apologetic. Every now and then, when I scream at her, telling her that I must have inherited the fat genes from her. Her father, my maternal grandfather, was rather plump. And, yes, before you politely enquire, I abhor that word.

Abhor, a polite synonym for hate. Got that! So, what does that make me?

A fat person, with a temper. Read more.

Last updated: January 30, 2016 | 11:57
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