Art & Culture

Unfreedom: Why is India so afraid of this film?

DailyBiteApril 23, 2015 | 09:36 IST

If wishes were horses, then we would be given a little more time to celebrate the sublime before we are forced to once again condemn the ludicrous. But that is clearly not to be, and less that five days after the Supreme Court’s verdict in the Shreya Singhal case striking own Section 66A of the IT Act, we are gifted the latest act of farcical banning by the central board of film certification (CBFC). Their comic gesture would almost be touching (who can deny the sad charms of clowns) were it not so diabolic. Its latest salvo against a film, ironically titled Unfreedom, seeks to ban it on the grounds that it will ignite "unnatural passion" (sic). The film about a girl who escapes a forced marriage to be with her lesbian partner allegedly irked the board.

Read full story here.

You can also join #UNFREEDOM Campaign, the petition against the Censor Board.

Click here to sign the petition.

Last updated: April 23, 2015 | 09:36
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