
If you don't want to miss out on the 'greatest literary show on Earth', JLFInsider's tweets are all you need to follow

DailyTripJanuary 26, 2018 | 18:17 IST

The Jaipur Literature Festival, according to its website has been described as the “greatest literary show on earth”. While the veracity of such a claim, remains to be ascertained, it is beyond doubt that at least to the literati and the intellectuals of New Delhi, it is a coveted occasion.

Hence, as one journalist pointed out, for the duration of the event, there will be ample parking space in Khan Market. JLF, over the years, has turned into a massive party where “wine and cheese liberals” are said to rub shoulders.

And despite the overwhelming English media coverage it receives, there is just one person (rather one Twitter account run by a few people) that has the real scoop.

JLFInsider, in its delightful anonymity, keeps everyone updated on the eccentricities of the intellectuals and many authors who arrive at the event. It is safe to say that if one is missing out on the literature festival, this account is all you need to look at.

Insider started with some basic apprehension, after all Jaipur in Rajasthan is the home turf of the Rajput Karni Sena, a group known for threatening actors, breaking sets and arson.

But once it became apparent that was not to be, Insider moved on to much more important topics: annoying fans.

Insider has no chill when it comes to alt-facts.

But it’s not all serious business. There are fun drinking games, as well.

But the best of Insider comes in the form of random snippets of conversations. For example:

The highlight of JLFInsider for Day One, of course, is the arrival of Rupi Kaur, the 25-year-old Canadian poet of Punjabi descent who took the internet by storm a few years ago with her illustrations and free-verse poetry. Rupi Kaur, in a crude analogy, is the Justin Bieber of literature - millions of teenage fans and a conspicuous lack of adulation from industry veterans. 

Is it really JLF at all, if an insider is not running an anonymous live commentary on upper middle class hobnobbing?

Also read: Has Modi government proven its incompetence by being unable to rein in Rajput Karni Sena?

Last updated: January 26, 2018 | 18:17
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