
6 basic reasons why women have extramarital affairs

DailyBiteSeptember 21, 2017 | 17:31 IST

Going astray for a woman is much bigger a deal than a man cheating on his wife. A woman is very invested in her relationships.

Though times are changing, and women have done extremely well for themselves on the economic front, she still remains rooted in her belief system and values. So to have flings is one thing, but being in a marriage and seeking pleasure or companionship outside is not something a woman does just for fun. It is a big deal now, that she is seeking solace in another person.

Why another man?

Women as creatures are intuitive. When things don’t work out, she knows its coming well in advance. Here are some reasons she could step out.


How many times do men put down their phones and other gadgets, make eye contact, and talk to you about your day in particular? How many times do they notice a particular effort you took in re-arranging his desk or his study?

Can’t forget her past

Even though she is someone’s wife, she has feelings for her past lover. Though that affair didn’t lead to marriage, she kind of starts leaning backward again, if she gets disillusioned with her marriage. Sometimes women may still be in love with someone else.

Women could want sex too, why is it presumed that men are more interested?

Boredom of the drill

Wake up, clean potties, cook breakfast, get the home cleaned, get to work, shop for groceries, come back, cook dinner, and then crash. How many women get trapped in the usual and get bored to death?

An interesting new fresher walks in with the possibility of friendship, and an affair follows. Men need to pull up their socks and get interesting sooner.

Neglect her and lose her

Men forget to invest in a wife, it’s usually while she is the girlfriend that it’s all about her. Once the battle is won, she may start feeling neglected and not cared for enough. Good enough reason to go looking?

Libido mismatch

Women could want sex too, why is it presumed that men are more interested? Men tend to take it easy in a few years while the woman may still be actively lusty and sexy. When she doesn’t find a match, then her mind and heart may start wandering.

To be seen

It’s easy for men these days to overlook what they have, with so much distraction everywhere, from magazines to the internet, to real-life attractions. A woman craves to be seen by her loved one, and she may go where she feels seen.

Men, pay attention, now!

(This post first appeared on

Also read: How love struck a fairytale marriage and ruined it

Last updated: February 16, 2018 | 19:03
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