
This morning after is so British: Brexit explained on Twitter

DailyBiteJune 24, 2016 | 18:29 IST

"The finest Brexit was in 1947." This cool one-liner, from Indian journalist Manu Joseph, could have remained just a joke, had it not for the "morning after" that Britain has subjected the entire world to. With its referendum to "Leave the European Union", now notorious as "Brexit", United Kingdom has not just shocked most of us, it has also called into question its very union - with Scotland and Northern Ireland, and its position in this altered world order, as the previously 28-strong EU is now at a reduced strength of 27.

Obviously, the man cheering Brexit the loudest is UKIP's Nigel Farage, the far-right leader who has hailed the June 23 vote as an "Independence Day".

Guess the folks behind the sci-fi franchise whose next release will be in a few months are not quite okay with Farage encroaching into daylight fantasies.

But of course who can outshine by a million watts the halo that Farage suddenly finds around his museumisable head? Obviously, the Real Donald Trump. The US presidential hopeful and the Republican candidate is in Scotland to promote, wait, the new golf course he has just launched, and he made the following observation:

Many are going wild over the imminent confusion that may arise between the next British prime minister, the ex-mayor of London and Etonian Boris Johnson - the chiefest Leave proponent - and Trump.

While some are weighing in David Cameron's legacy, by which they mean turning Great Britain into, eventually, Little England. 


The front page of the New York Times printed its two cents of lament from across the Atlantic. US president Barack Obama and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton were openly against Brexit.

The English, meanwhile, took refuge in memes and gifs.

And wept over statistics,

The markets did what they do best: crash.

The Great British Pound took a pounding, to say the least. It hasn't stopped raining puns.

Meanwhile, Britain looked like a sorry and aged version of itself, as it became increasingly clear that the young had voted overwhelmingly against the Brexit, while the older, white Britons wanted to leave.

The past just hijacked the future, and the English stiff upper lip was actually stitched shut out of awkwardness this time.


Of course, the Indian commentariat couldn't stay away from contributing to the background score. From loud wails of despair to careful, unattached, airy fence-sitting - every tweet chirped its way into Indian Twitterverse.

There were the media coverage on media coverage ones too.

Oh the other side batted as well, loudly cheering for British Empire 2.0 in which India offers up its [insert unmentionable body part] yet again.

Then there were the coincidences, the captures, the epiphanies and the raptures.

And the anti-nostalgia nostalgia.

Last updated: June 24, 2016 | 18:31
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