
Ten standout quotes from the #Modi1 speech in Mathura

DailyBiteMay 25, 2015 | 21:03 IST

1. We will get rid of poverty, make our nation stronger economically and proud globally.

2. Broker raj has ended in India.

3. We want to create an environment where there is a sense of social security among people. We have also introduced the Atal Pension Yojana.

4. I'm not pradhan mantri, I'm pradhan santri.

5. Issue of farmers' suicide must not be politicised, we must look into why farmers are unhappy after 60 years of our Independence.

6. More than 12 crore people get gas subsidy benefits directly in their bank accounts.

7. We opened bank accounts for the poor. The poor were not given the opportunity to enter banks for so many years.

8. No report of any corruption, scams during this year.

9. I want to ask you today, "Didn't I deliver on my promises? Loot has been put to an end or not?"

10. The thoughts of three leaders have shaped us - Mahatma Gandhi, Ram Manohar Lohia and Deendayal Upadhyaya.

Last updated: May 25, 2015 | 21:03
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