
Five life-changing lessons from Madhur Bhandarkar films

DailyBiteJuly 2, 2015 | 17:02 IST

With the teaser of his new — and innovatively named — film Calendar Girls out, here are a few things Madhur Bhandarkar has previously taught us about showbiz

1.  Waking up next to an African American man is basically the apocalypse.


2.  No woman can ever tell that her relationship is not going well until she catches her boyfriend with his boyfriend. 


3.  All gay people are basically fairy princesses with wrist-seizures. 


4.  All successful women across the industry have the exact same career graph:

struggle ---> success -----> abortion ----> drugs ----> smudged mascara


 5. Mugdha Godse does things.

Last updated: July 03, 2015 | 17:40
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