
Is masturbation good for you?

DailyBiteSeptember 11, 2015 | 15:18 IST

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India: From a nation of sex maniacs to virgins

In all the furore over the various bans being imposed upon us, we the citizens of India have failed to see the bigger picture. Do not for a minute be mistaken that these bans aren’t well thought out.If you examine the nature of these bans, you will realise that they are not arbitrary and are only going to help control India’s ever expanding population, thereby ensuring us a more economically robust future.

Let’s consider the ban on beef. Any fool who understands the impact of food on the human body and mind will know that red meat, according to ayurveda, increases one’s sex drive. Increased libido leads to increased sexual desire that leads to sexual activity and eventually more children. By red flagging red meat the Maharashtra government has, in fact, done us a huge favour. Read more here.

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Why Indians have sex in bushes and feel dirty about porn

The government bans porn at 9am. It rolls back the ban at 5pm. Policemen in Mumbai barge into hotel rooms and arrest couples. We Indians have never been able to make up our minds about sex. We pretend not to do it but we do it all the time.

Let me go back to 1995. I am in college. I have a girlfriend. We want to do it but we don’t know where to go. I live in a hostel where girls are not allowed. She lives with her parents, so that’s ruled out too. Where do we go? We go to a park in Delhi University, a part of the Ridge. It’s full of couples. There are uncles, aunties, college kids, school kids... everyone is doing it. Eunuchs run the love business here. You pay Rs 50 and you get your own bush. Read more.

Last updated: September 11, 2015 | 15:35
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