
Man masturbates in front of foreigner: Is public indecency an Indian problem?

DailyBiteAugust 18, 2015 | 17:12 IST

In out country where rape and sexual abuse are in news everyday, only few women decided to fight back. Be it shameless leching, eve teasing or messages with sexual tone on social media, it is high time women stand up against sexual assaults.

To set an example, an American woman, Maryanna Abdo tweeted the photo of the man who molested her in broad daylight in Colaba, Mumbai on Monday morning.


The man allegedly masturbated at her and when confronted, fled the scene. But he couldn't escape the virtual eyes. Maryanna who managed to capture his photo, tweeted it immediately after the incident.

She used the micro-blogging site Twitter to ask for help. In a consequent tweet, she also highlighted the other two men visible in the photo were helpful and responded to her call for help. Read more here.

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Last updated: August 18, 2015 | 17:12
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