
#NotAllMen is Indian male's lame defence against Bangalore mass molestation

DailyBiteJanuary 4, 2017 | 15:07 IST

Few things in the world are as fragile as the male ego. For the male ego cannot, even for the teensiest of moments, let go of their privilege and quietly listen to the tirades of women, who are tired of living in fear and having to listen to uncooth politicians blaming victims for the crimes committed against them.

Every time an incident like the one in Bangalore takes place, one immediately sees a rise of sanctimonious men who claim to be against rape and molestation, but somehow take this particular opportunity to talk about how not all men are at fault here. The #NotAllMen hashtag is one of the more petty attempts by the male gender to steer the conversation about gendered violence and sexual assault towards men, by making themselves look like the victims of a generalisation, conveniently ignoring the fact that sexual assault and gendered violence are a product of toxic masculinity, systemic oppression of women, internalised patriarchy and plain apathy.

Photo: Reuters

So, to all those who suddenly feel the urge to say #NotAllMen when a woman is talking about sexual harassment or just the fear of it, don’t. Keep your mouth shut. Don’t make it about you. Don’t make it about men.

Women know and understand that not all men are rapists or molesters. But a surprisingly large number of them are. An even larger number of them are enablers of sexual assault, thanks to casual victim blaming, rape jokes and general sexism. And a really scarily huge number of them turn into the defenders of men’s rights only when women decide to talk about assault. So maybe not all men, yes; but a boatload of men, for sure.

Let’s take a look at all those who, for the benefit of the public, are dismantling the idea of #NotAllMen and how!

Also read -  All who blame women or West for sexual assault perpetuate rape

Last updated: January 05, 2017 | 14:56
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