
Donald Trump effect? White woman goes berserk, spews racist venom at two Brazilian men

DailyTripDecember 27, 2015 | 11:14 IST

In a video that captures perfectly the racist ugly side of what is often called the “white trash America”, a woman in Florida is seen abusing two men from Brazil because she thinks they are from the Middle East and therefore “terrorists”! 

Performer Uhoh Mike, who also runs a popular YouTube channel, uploaded the video in which the lady, who is first seen sitting in a blue vehicle, shouts the choicest foulmouthed words at him and his friend, both aspiring filmmakers from the Latin American country. 

“Scumbags”, “paedophiles”, and scores of other abuses later, which the duo filmed her saying since they wanted to spread the message, the lady even belies utter homophobia as she accuses the two men of having a sexual relationship with each other. She even goes on to say that they’re photographing a plane to commemorate 9/11! 

While Uhoh Mike said he filmed the woman’s rant to have “this negativity shunned”, many have seen this as the “Donald Trump” effect of xenophobic hyperbole. Another reason why the US of A should think before it votes in November 2016!  

Last updated: December 28, 2015 | 12:09
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