
6 super seeds that you must include in your diet for their health benefits

Adhya Moona
Adhya MoonaJul 06, 2023 | 08:01

6 super seeds that you must include in your diet for their health benefits

It's important to include seeds in our diet as they are rich in protein, iron, fiber and several nutrients. Photo: Getty Images

Seeds may look tiny but these superfood powerhouses are packed with essential minerals and nutrients that play a significant role in boosting our overall health. From providing us with basic nutrients and vitamins to strengthening our heart health, they've got it all. Here's your guide on how these seeds benefit your health and the ways in which you can add seeds to your diet.


If you're someone who detests seeds or just doesn't feel like having any, you might want to rethink this one. Seeds have great nutritional value - they are rich in healthy fat, proteins and fibre. 

6 super seeds and their health benefits

1. Chia seeds

Chia seeds. Photo: Unsplash/Joanna Kosinska
  • Chia seeds are a popular go-to choice when it comes to seeds. They are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (helps reduce inflammation), magnesium, antioxidants, carbohydrates and calcium.
  • This seed is a healthy snack as it is low in calories and reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • It also helps reduce your blood sugar levels.
  • Consuming chia seeds reduces your appetite as even consuming a small amount of it can make you feel full for long hours.

2. Flax seeds

Flax seeds. Photo: Unsplash/Karyna Panchenko
  • Also known as linseed, flax seeds are a great source of Omega-3 fats and fibre.
  • It also contains lignans, which act as antioxidants. All these help reduce cholesterol, diabetes and the risk of heart disease.
  • Studies have indicated that consuming flax seeds may reduce the risk of cancer, such as breast and prostate cancer.

3. Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds. Photo: Getty Images
  • Hemp seeds are an excellent source of vegetarian protein, and since they are a complete protein source they contain important amino acids that our body cannot make. For instance, they contain Omega-3 fatty acids (which promotes brain and heart health, and helps reduce inflammation).
  • Omega-3 helps increase HDL (good cholesterol) levels.
  • Protein from hemp seeds strengthens our immune system and gets rid of toxins from our body.

4. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds. Photo: Unsplash/Engin Akyurt
  • Pumpkin seeds include lots of minerals including zinc, which boosts our immunity. These seeds are packed with iron, protein, Vitamins B, C and D.
  • Vitamin B plays an important role in releasing energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. B vitamins may also reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • These seeds are supposed to work wonders for those with anxiety and depression.
  • Consumption of pumpkin seeds reduces risk of breast cancer, helps reduce blood pressure, and increases HDL (good) cholesterol.
  • According to studies, in children pumpkin seeds lower the risk of bladder stones.

5. Sunflower seeds 

Sunflower seeds. Photo: Unsplash/Engin Akyurt
  • Sunflower seeds are packed with Vitamin B, E, Omega-3, and antioxidants.
  • Antioxidants contribute towards reducing free radicals - the harmful chemicals that increase risk of heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.
  • Vitamin E will help you maintain healthy skin and eyes, and boosts our immunity.
  • Sunflower seeds are also good for your hair and skin. 

6. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds. Photo: Getty Images
  • Sesame seeds are a good source of copper, manganese, magnesium, and iron.
  • It is also rich in selenium, an antioxidant that decreases the risk of chronic diseases.
  • They reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. This helps prevent worsening of disorders such as arthritis. Sesame seeds strengthen bones and promote healthy blood cell formation.

Dr Darshini Bali, a Noida-based nutritionist and dietitcian, told DailyO that "seeds are also a convenient and healthy snack for those who want to watch their weight or are diabetic, as these seeds are very filling and energises the person because seeds have fibre and protein".

She added, "seeds are a good way to incorporate important nutrients such as zinc, Vitamin E and magnesium in our diet". Dr Bali recommends flaxseeds and chia seeds to her diabetic patients. 

How to incorporate seeds in your diet

  • You can add all these different types of seeds by either mixing them in your cereal bowls, sprinkle them over your oatmeal or salad bowls.
  • Another delicious way of consuming seeds it that you bake them - include these whenever you are baking muffins, bread, cake, cookies or anything else.
  • Adding seeds to your smoothies, shakes, yogurt and fruit bowls is another healthy option. You must have noticed, bakeries and smoothie places have started offering healthier food options where they include these seeds in their breads, puddings and meals. 
  • Dr Bali recommends that a delicious way to incorporate seeds in our diet is by adding them to our "smoothies and salads"
  • But, it's important to eat seeds in a "limited amount" such as "15-20 g", advised Dr Bali, and eat these seeds by either soaking them or roasting them.
Chia pudding. Photo: Unsplash/Ash Edmonds

Powerhouse of nutrients

DailyO spoke to Dr Namita Nadar, a nutritionist and dietitian who practices in Noida, about the importance of including seeds in our diet. She asserted that seeds are nutrient-dense food sources rich in vitamins, minerals and healthy plant components that improve general health.

  • She said, "High fibre content in seeds is a noteworthy benefit. It encourages regular bowel movements, reduces constipation, and supports a balanced gut flora; fibre is crucial in preserving a healthy digestive track."
  • She said that chia, flax and pumpkin seeds are rich in fibre.
  • Seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and to this Dr Nadar added, "Omega-3 fatty acids are well known for helping maintain brain health, lower inflammation, and improving heart health."
  • The antioxidants, "which include vitamin E, selenium, and different phenolic compounds, have been associated with a lower chance of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease and several forms of cancer," the nutritionist noted. 
Last updated: July 10, 2023 | 12:10
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