A psychologist has highlighted that there is a significant rise in lonely, single men. And this might get worse with time.
American psychologist Greg Matos wrote in Psychology Today that higher dating standards are the culprit here.
He also mentioned three main reasons behind this growing number:
Increased dependency on dating apps: Matos wrote that dating apps can help you kickstart a new romantic connection. But almost 62% of users are men and women are usually overwhelmed seeing the number of options they have. “Competition in online dating is fierce, and lucky in-person chance encounters with dreamy partners are rarer than ever,” he wrote.
High relationship standards: He further added that having too many options increases the expectation of women. “They prefer men who are emotionally available, good communicators and share similar values.”
Skills deficit: According to Matos, an emotional connection requires skills that are not inculcated in men by their families at a younger age. He also mentioned that the love lives of young and middle-aged men depict that they need to address a skill deficit.
What needs to be done? Matos also gave solutions to these issues. He mentioned that focusing on mental health with the help of some individual therapy might help develop the skills.
The psychologist received plenty of feedback from the readers and some of these were completely unexpected.
He took to TikTok to share that he has been receiving “hate mail for men” for that piece which cites findings from Pew Research.
In the TikTok video he said, “Why? When all I am doing is asking you to be the best version of yourself. That’s all,” he said. “All I am inviting you to do is just be the best version of yourself.”
Part of my response to the hate mail I’ve received for my @PsychToday article this week. #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthMatters #MensHealth pic.twitter.com/79cUNTDt7O
— Greg Matos (@GregMatos) August 13, 2022