The European Union (EU), on Wednesday, December 20, finalised negotiations on a set of rules aimed at distributing the financial burden and responsibilities of hosting migrants and implementing measures to regulate and limit the influx of people seeking asylum.
This breakthrough agreement, which came after years of arguments is a part of the comprehensive New Pact on Migration and Asylum and is expected to come into effect in the coming year, reported Reuters.
Europe has delivered a robust Migration and Asylum Pact.
— Roberta Metsola (@EP_President) December 20, 2023
A legislative framework that functions, that protects.
That is humane and fair with those seeking protection, firm with those not eligible, strong with those who exploit the most vulnerable.
The new pact seeks to address the challenges posed by irregular migration and improve the efficiency of asylum processes within the EU.
L’approvazione del Patto Migrazione e Asilo è un grande successo per l’Europa e per l’Italia che ora potrà contare su nuove regole per gestire i flussi migratori e per contrastare i trafficanti di esseri umani.
— Matteo Piantedosi (@Piantedosim) December 20, 20
Siamo riusciti a concludere un negoziato che era fermo da anni,…
According to Chancellor Scholz, "Agreement on the past was very important, relieving states affected - including Germany."
Reforms agreed today by the EU on the Pact on Migration and Asylum will set European asylum law back for decades to come and lead to greater human suffering.
— Amnesty International (@amnesty) December 20, 2023