
The Jane Goodall Barbie comes with binoculars and a chimp, and it is a big deal

Ishita Srivastava
Ishita SrivastavaJul 18, 2022 | 17:12

The Jane Goodall Barbie comes with binoculars and a chimp, and it is a big deal

Jane Goodall (L) and Goodall Barbie (R). Photo: janegoodall.org and Mattel Creations

In the new Barbie Inspiring Women Series, Mattel paying tribute to world famous conservationist, Dr Jane Goodall DBE with a Goodall Barbie, modelled after her.

The Goodall Barbie: Released on July 11, ahead of World Chimpanzee Day, the Goodall Barbie is made of ‘minimum’ 75% recycled plastic. The chimp that comes with her is a miniature replica of David Greybeard, the first male chimpanzee Goodall named and befriended at Gombe National Park in Tanzania. He is also made of recycled plastic.


Other than the Greybeard, Goodall Barbie comes with a pair of binoculars, a walking stick, watch and a notebook. The box also includes a doll stand.

Goodall Barbie has been designed by Carlyle Nuera and her face sculpt is based on GG Tori. Her body type is based on the ‘Barbie Loves the Ocean’ type. The Goodall Barbie is currently priced at US $35 (almost Rs 2800).

The Goodall Barbie. Photo: Mattel Creations

Who is Dr Jane Goodall: Since 1960, Dr Jane Goodall DBE has been committed to the conservation and protection of chimpanzees from extinction. At the age of 26, Dr Goodall travelled to Gombe, Tanzania to conduct field research to understand the genetic relation of chimpanzees to humans.

Her discovery of chimpanzees making and using tools is one of the greatest discoveries of 20th century. She is also the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and a UN Messenger of Peace.

Goodall's 1960s field research wasn't just groundbreaking but also played a monumental role in attracting women into the field of primatology and developing careers as ethologists.

She has acted as an inspiration for women universally and become a popular feminist icon - considering it was not very common for women in the 1960s to do field research. Her popularity even earned her pop-culture references: for example, the name Jane Goodale, a play on Goodall, was used as the lead character's name in the 2001 movie Someone Like You.


With the release of Goodall Barbie, the 88-year-old says that she wants her Barbie to inspire girls everywhere. “So many people know about Jane because I'm in their school textbooks, and they learn about me at school, so I think they'll be thrilled to be given a Barbie Jane," the ethologist told People.

Jane Goodall with baby chimpanzee in Tanzania.Photo:UN/Jane Goodall Institute

The Barbie Inspiring Women Series is meant to pay tribute to incredible heroines, risk-taking courageous women who changed rules and paved the way for generations of girls to dream bigger.

Some of the other dolls included in the Barbie Inspiring Women Series are the Helen Keller Doll, Rosa Parks Doll, Billie Jean King Doll and Maya Angelou Barbie.

Last updated: July 18, 2022 | 17:12
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