
US Secy Blinken wants to crawl into a hole after Biden's comments on Dictator Xi and Israel

Ayaan Paul
Ayaan PaulNov 17, 2023 | 13:04

US Secy Blinken wants to crawl into a hole after Biden's comments on Dictator Xi and Israel

Antony Blinken's reaction to US President Biden's "dictator" comment about Chinese President Xi Jinping looks to be the next hit meme in diplomatic circles. Physically recoiling, shaking his head, and fidgeting with his hands, Blinken's body language spoke volumes during Biden's solo press conference.


Antony Blinken's reaction to President Joe Biden's comments about Chinese President Xi Jinping has become the focal point of discussions following the US-China Summit meeting. 

  • As captured in a since viral video, Blinken displayed a clear expression of disgust and exasperation while Biden referred to Xi as a "dictator". 
  • Blinken, the master of subtle eye-rolls and hand fidgets, couldn't quite hide his exasperation as Biden dropped the D-word during a press conference.

Diplomacy disaster

Former Italian diplomat Marco Carnelos didn't hold back, calling out Blinken's "desperate body language" like he caught him mid-eye roll at a family dinner.

"Twelve months of diplomacy down the drain with a single word. WTF," he exclaimed.

And let's not forget the equally cringe-worthy moment shortly after, when Biden seemingly tattled on Blinken in the middle of his comments on Israeli hostages.

A nod from Blinken, and Biden abruptly changes the topic, like a scene straight out of a political sitcom, but not without calling out Blinken first.


Biden being Biden, over and over again

This incident follows Blinken's involvement in cleaning up the fallout from a similar remark made by Biden in June, which drew a strong response from the Chinese government.

  • The diplomatic challenges stemming from such comments highlight the currently volatile US-China relations.
  • In the end, the US-China Summit did wrap up with Biden and Xi deciding to kiss and make up – or at least work towards resolving their differences.
  • Biden, in subsequent remarks, focused on positive outcomes, mentioning Xi's agreement to limit the export of pill presses and deadly fentanyl-related compounds. 

Nevertheless, it seems like Blinken's still got some clean-up to do, armed with nothing but a diplomatic mop.

Last updated: November 17, 2023 | 13:04
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