
How neurodivergent people find each other to form the most wholesome friendships

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Neurodivergent people, especially those on the Autism spectrum and ADHDers find themselves drawn to each other because of their shared experiences of the world. They feel the most comfortable with each other because they connect with people in similar ways, through infodumping, parallel play, swapping support and leaving little reminders of affection. Neurodivergent friendships can be quite wholesome as they allow ND people to exist without masking their real personalities. Here is how ND friendships look like.

Neurodivergent people, especially those on the Autism spectrum and ADHDers find themselves drawn to each other because of their shared experiences of the world. They feel the most comfortable with each other because they connect with people in similar ways, through infodumping, parallel play, swapping support and leaving little reminders of affection. Neurodivergent friendships can be quite wholesome as they allow ND people to exist without masking their real personalities. Here is how ND friendships look like.

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Guiltless infodumping on each other.

Guiltless infodumping on each other.

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Hanging out to enjoy separate activities together.

Hanging out to enjoy separate activities together.

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Obsessing over common niche interests together.

Obsessing over common niche interests together.

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Skipping small talk.

Skipping small talk.

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Fidgeting together in anxious situations.

Fidgeting together in anxious situations.

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Swapping support.

Swapping support.

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Expressing love in unique ways.

Expressing love in unique ways.

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