
Lawful good, true neutral, chaotic evil, what is your moral alignment?

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What is your moral alignment?

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game (RPG), which was first published in 1974 and is commonly recognised as the beginning of modern role-playing games. The game allows each player to create their own character, which embarks upon imaginary adventures within a fantasy setting. Each of these characters have an 'alignment', which is a categorisation of their moral and ethical perspectives. Which of these is you?

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1. Lawful Good

1. Lawful Good

A lawful good character acts with compassion, honour and a sense of duty. These characters will often regret taking any action they fear would violate their code, even if they recognise such action as being good.

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2. Neutral Good

2. Neutral Good

A neutral good character typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against rules and tradition. If doing the right things requires bending or breaking of rules, they do not find themselves bound by a code.

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3. Chaotic Good

3. Chaotic Good

A chaotic good character does what is necessary to bring about change for the better, disdains bureaucratic organisations that get in the way of social improvement and values personal freedom for one and others.

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4. Lawful Neutral

4. Lawful Neutral

A lawful neutral character typically believes strongly in lawful concepts such as honour, order, rules, and tradition, but often follows a personal code in addition to one set down by the authority.

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5. True Neutral

5. True Neutral

A true neutral character tends not to feel strongly towards any alignment, or actively seeks their balance.

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6. Chaotic Neutral

6. Chaotic Neutral

A chaotic neutral character is an individualist who follows their own heart and shirks rules and traditions. They promote ideals of freedom, especially their own, which comes before good and evil for them.

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7. Lawful Evil

7. Lawful Evil

A lawful evil character sees a well-ordered system as being easier to exploit than to follow necessarily.

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8. Neutral Evil

8. Neutral Evil

A Neutral Evil character is selfish and usually makes allies to further their own goals. They do not hesitate in harming others to get what they want, but they will neither go out of their way to cause mayhem.

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9. Chaotic Evil

9. Chaotic Evil

A chaotic evil character has no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They value personal freedom, but do not have much regard for the lives or freedom of others.

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