
A drunk man stops a priest outside a temple. You won't believe what happens next

DailyBiteFebruary 27, 2015 | 17:45 IST

Also read: How to argue with a good Hindu

A conversation between "Quixotic-Q" and "Abstemious-A". This is how it followed:

Q: Why don't you add an extra letter to your name? Make it Suchiitra or Suchitraa. That will add up to a number nine and you may go to heaven. Not literally, of course (laughs), but materially and spiritually.

A: Because I don't believe in all this.

Q: You don't have to believe my dear.

A. Look at Kavita - she became Kaveataaaa and Kiran became Kirrrooon on the recommendation of their numerologist/astrologer/palmist/ psychic/ tarot card reader and it has really helped them. You don't have to believe it - you just have to do it. I'm telling you it works.

You will be rich beyond your imagination. See, Suchitra adds up to a number eight, which is Shani or Saturn. Your birth number is nine - incompatible with eight or Jupiter. So currently there are bound to be obstacles in your way of acquiring wealth and riches.

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Last updated: August 04, 2016 | 19:43
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