
#TheDailyToast: Whose bed is it anyway?

Gayatri JayaramanNovember 30, 2015 | 10:05 IST

The dirty bed of political intrigue, in which those chair-seeking public-funds-pilfering logic-defying collaborators would lie in with just about anyone for the right price, has admirably come to the conclusion that the real criminals are they, and gay people would be well left alone.

Chidambaram, who has now regretted everything from the Congress stand on Section 377, to banning Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses, his regrets are gradually acquiring the tenor of one increasingly feeling haunted by Subramanian Swamy, and his demeanour that of the supplicant in the confessional. He would have apologised for Rahul Gandhi, except the students of Mt Carmel think he makes for an adorable cartoon character so Chidambaram doesn't want to damage the potential TV spinoff possibilities because the Congress badly needs funds for the next elections. Raj Nayak and Ronnie Screwvala will be hearing from them shortly. Swamy, in the meanwhile, is the gift that keeps on giving. He will now go after Chidambaram, and probably Jaitley, on the soon-to-be-invented new-mode-of-persecution that will be the Gay Bar scam, created when Mumbai throws open its nightlife to overtly celebrate the non-regressive threads of Indian culture. And who wants that, right? Given the power of the Pink Dollar, and Tharoor's haste to bring in a Member's Bill and given that nothing Tharoor begins ends well, I mean that man is just jinxed or something, maybe Swamy is on to something. But let's build the capital before we skim off it, yeah? Not to worry, we'll scam everything Swamy, this is India. You'll have your day in court. First let the LGBTs have theirs.

But the sense of huntedness is understandable given that the now intolerant, illiberal Left front, an acquisition of virtues that are pretty much a first for it anywhere in the world, now attacks and boycotts anyone who disagrees with it, as Vikram Sampath will tell you. In a show of strength pro-tolerance, please note. Sure it's just one incident, but then what isn't? A portrait of the liberal front now will retain silhouettes of the pitch-forked mob dancing by bonfire light around a pile of burning intentions, with which hell will now be beautifully paved.


The Left, caught in the headlights by an unusually tolerant viewpoint from a senior BJP leader, is now in a huddle wondering whether to protest it, or praise it, because they're so used to blanket flinging themselves off the stage into the sea of liberal fans clutching their self-awarded awards every time someone in the country speaks. Don't drop the #AwardWapsi now, Left, JUMP!

Last updated: December 03, 2015 | 13:01
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