7 images from Man tests positive for coronavirus, HIV and monkeypox at the same time!
A 36-year-old Italian man tested positive for Coronavirus, HIV and Monkeypox after traveling back from a trip to Spain.
This was first such case where someone had tested positive for all three at the same time.
The man took a five day trip to Spain in June 2022.
The man was admitted to San Marco University Hospital in Catania, Italy.
After testing positive for Covid-19, the man developed a rash on his left hand and blisters on other parts of his body.
“This case highlights how Monkeypox and Covid-19 symptoms may overlap, and corroborates how in case of co-infection, anamnestic collection and sexual habits are crucial to perform the correct diagnosis,” noted the researchers at the University of Catania, Italy.
The 40-year-old German man had developed blisters all over his body. Initially, the red spot that the man developed on his nose rot off due to an undiagnosed HIV infection. 
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