Imagine being able to predict natural calamities like earthquakes and floods, several hours before it actually hits you.
Well, a Dutch research organisation has gone a bit ahead and done it already when they predicted that an earthquake might hit Pakistan in the next 48 hours.
Sometime yesterday, Dutch researcher Frank Hoogerbeets, a researcher affiliated with the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS), hinted at a potentially strong earthquake hitting Pakistan in the next 48 hours.
On 30 September we recorded atmospheric fluctuations that included parts of and near Pakistan. This is correct. It can be an indicator of an upcoming stronger tremor (as was the case with Morocco). But we cannot say with certainty that it will happen.
— Frank Hoogerbeets (@hogrbe) October 2, 2023
Ever since Hoogerbeets made the claim, the Internet is going berserk, wondering about the possibility of predicting calamities like earthquakes and how that will help in preventing the damage caused by it.
Sooner or later there will be a ~M 7.5 #earthquake in this region (South-Central Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon). #deprem
— Frank Hoogerbeets (@hogrbe) February 3, 2023
Just a few hours after Hoogerbeets's prediction, an earthqake of magnitude 6.2 on the Richter scale hit Nepal and parts of India. Based on their close geographical distance from Pakistan, the specculation has gone through the roof.
strong fluctuations - potential for strong to major seismic event
— SSGEOS (@ssgeos) September 30, 2023
Often when we say that there is the possibility of a stronger earthquake, rumors appear that "there will be a big earthquake." These rumors are false! There can be indicators, yes. But there is no certainty that it will happen.
— Frank Hoogerbeets (@hogrbe) October 2, 2023
While the scientific community believes that earthquake prediction of this nature is impossible, several reports are suggesting that Pakistan is giving serious consideration to this supposed prediction.