
5 reasons girls get blamed for rape and molestation

DailyBiteJan 11, 2017 | 09:00

5 reasons girls get blamed for rape and molestation

Also read: We outraged over Bangalore mass molestation, but for the wrong reasons

How long before the outrage over Bengaluru mass molestation dies out and we move on to other burning issues, only to be jolted by another high-profile case of rape/molestation?

In the time in between, women will continue to be groped, poked, pressed against and raped because India refuses to acknowledge that it's her men who have a problem; that sexual assault is not about sex.


Since sex is a bad word in our society, sexual assault naturally falls into the "bad thing" category. We have categories of sex, and all except one are crimes in society's eyes. We end up putting too much emphasis on the gender/sex aspect of what is violence/assault.

Sex itself is taboo, so our faculties focus on the nature of the crime more than the crime itself. Hence, most rapes are not reported.

Read more here.

Last updated: January 11, 2017 | 09:14
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