
MSG - the God is back and he's tripping on women, disco lights and end credits

DailyTripSep 07, 2016 | 19:42

MSG - the God is back and he's tripping on women, disco lights and end credits

MSG is known to believe in feminism. Photo: YouTube

MSG (Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan

 ) is a legend of the THEY-ARE-SO-BAD-THEY'RE-AWESOME variety.

The Man has built a multi-crore empire, harvested a cult following and crafted a public persona which is so ridiculous and surrealist in nature that all you can do when you encounter it on film or an interview is roll your eyes, deliver a facepalm and move on with your life with a constant "Seriously, this guy?!"


His previous "movie" was called MSG 2: The Messenger and it was about him rescuing people and distributing sweets. It was a hit (Welp) and established him as one of India's biggest WTF stars.

This week MSG dropped the trailer for his sequel to MSG 2, titled MSG The warrior- Lion Heart. 


The trailer is a wonderful critique of everything that's wrong with most Indian moviegoers right now, and with its neon lights, DEATH-OF-SEPECIAL-EFFECTS quality SFX - all bathed in Star Wars tubelight - The Warrior is essentially a parody of MSG's status in the public sphere.

Trippy, really.

MSG famously takes a ton of credit (literally) for the work on his films. He had director, producer, writer, composer, editor and what-not credits on MSG 2. With Lion Heart he has taken this a step further, taking no less than 30 credits for the film.


The story, it would seem, revolves around alien invasion, misogyny, lions and bravery. Everything obviously fixed by our one true god MSG.


MSG is known to believe in feminism. Photo: YouTube

To end, this is a weird trailer of a weird movie from (one) weird superhero meets superbaba dude. But it's fun to watch and bleeds all your existential queries and leaves you with dread and angst: the what-did-I-do-wrong, why-is-this-guy-taking-all-our-money variety.

*Drum Roll*

Last updated: February 10, 2017 | 18:52
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