
How to keep the flame of desire burning in a relationship

DailyBiteJun 15, 2015 | 17:54

How to keep the flame of desire burning in a relationship

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Valentine's Day round the corner: 15 definite signs you are in love

If the universe allows you to fall in love with someone without any doubts and fears, it has bestowed upon you its greatest gifts. Most of the time, however, it can be a bit tricky to decipher if it is mere infatuation or love. With Valentine's Day around the corner, here are a few tricks to help you decide:


1. For a while now, the first person you think of when you wake up is him. In all probability the last person you thought of when you went to bed was also him. And you probably dreamt of him too. Do I even need to tell you that you love him?

2. You catch yourself daydreaming about him a lot. During meeting at work, someone is going on and on about something on ROI, but you have already travelled to the weekend gone by when you bumped into him in the elevator. His eyes? Or was it his smile? Or and most importantly, the way he made you feel? Or was it all just an excuse to think more about him? Read here.

Last updated: February 09, 2016 | 18:47
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